先生们女士们晚上好,我有一个Java Swing无法解决的问题,也许您可??以帮助我.这里是:>我有一个使用BorderLayout的JFrame和许多JPanels.>每当我需要建立一个新屏幕时(例如,从主菜单中,单击“搜索”按钮时,转到“搜索”菜单),我只需删除位于中间的组件(JPanel),然后将新的屏幕(新的JPanel)放在中间.>这样,我不


However, I now need to implement some features from class java.awt.Frame i.e. I want to be able to setTitle and contruct a menu bar etc. The problem I am having is that I dont seem to be able to successfully add my existing JPanel to a new JFrame to implement these additional components

JContainer extends this so that you can add components to it. JPanel and JFrame both extend JComponent so that you can add things to them. JFrame provides a window, whereas JPanel is just a panel that goes inside a window. You should only use a JFrame or JDialog (or other top level container) to display other containers (like JPanel).

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SwingUtilities; public class GameFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener {CardLayout cardLayout; JPanel mainPanel; MenuPanel menu; GamePanel game; public GameFrame {cardLayout = new CardLayout (); mainPanel = new JPanel (cardLayout); menu = new MenuPanel (); game = new GamePanel (); mainPanel. add (menu, "menu"); mainPanel. add (game, "game"); JButton goGame = new JButton ("Go TO Game"); goGame. addActionListener (this); add (mainPanel); add (goGame, BorderLayout. What the JPanel can do though is if you're resizing, it can give you the layout relative to whatever size your JFrame is.

Difference Between JPanel and JFrame (With Table) Both JFrame and JPanel are classes used in Java. The latter is a programming language that is object-oriented and class-based. It is a digital platform used for creating and developing applications.

Publicerad den 25 setLocationRelativeTo( null ); // call this AFTER setSize(..) or pack(). }.

- Java Swings consultants and developers - Jaspersoft Studio Reports consultants and developersPing me on Skype ID : jysuryam@outlook.comIn this video i show

Java jframe vs jpanel

Sie sehen beide wie Fenster aus, wenn sie "gelaufen" sind, aber sie haben unterschiedliche Nutzungen oder Zwecke. JPanel dient eigentlich als allgemeiner Container. Dort werden normalerweise komplexere oder größere Operationen durchgeführt.

either ask public void remove (Component c) removes the component. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class MultiplePanelsJavaExample extends JFrame How to use JPanel and Box to lay out Swing components. Javamex: Java Tutorials Just like a frame, you can assign any layout to a JPanel, then put the panel itself in one of the positions of a frame or another panel.
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Java jframe vs jpanel

JPanel is a simplest lightweight container class that is a part of the package java.swing. It can group or store a set of components together, mainly for creating a user interface. It is similar to the panel in Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT).

The way I learnt to create a window is to inherit or Extend JFrame class and it is good to use it, as JFrame contains all the properties of a Window. Now If I want to add something to this window, I need to use add () method.
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A JFrame is a window whereas a JPanel is only a container that can store other elements. A JPanel cannot be shown on the screen without it being placed in a window (like JFrame, JDialog, JWindow). Moving to our UI forum.

JPanel vs JFrame both are commonly used classes available in java, JPanel can be considered as general container, which is used in case of complex or bigger functions which require grouping of different components together, on the other hand, JFrame is generally used to host simple elements used in a window like border, title bar, controls, event handlers, etc. JPanel serves as a general purpose container, while JFrame is a window commonly used for stand-alone applications, like a warning window, or a notification window. Then the most usage for jframe to create pop up. This video shows an example of a JFrame that controls the behavior of a jPanel.Whenever we click the GO button we either move an image or change the backgrou JPanel vs JFrame in Java. 29.

Javas grafikpaket. • AWT (java.awt): “Contains all of the classes for Container. Window. Frame. JFrame. JComponent. JPanel. AbstractButton. JButton. JLabel 

JContainer extends this so that you can add components to it. JPanel and JFrame both extend JComponent so that you can add things to them. JFrame provides a window, whereas JPanel is just a panel that goes inside a window. You should only use a JFrame or JDialog (or other top level container) to display other containers (like JPanel). You should endeavor to use JPanel as your base line container for all your forms, nesting other panels and controls into as you see fit. I am learning Java gui.

One, the first example declares a Container rather than a JPanel so that "content" can be any implementation of Container and is not limited to a JPanel. Two, the first example is fetching the contentPane for "myFrame" where as the second is instantiating a new JPanel. SwingUtilities; public class GameFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener {CardLayout cardLayout; JPanel mainPanel; MenuPanel menu; GamePanel game; public GameFrame {cardLayout = new CardLayout (); mainPanel = new JPanel (cardLayout); menu = new MenuPanel (); game = new GamePanel (); mainPanel. add (menu, "menu"); mainPanel. add (game, "game"); JButton goGame = new JButton ("Go TO Game"); goGame. addActionListener (this); add (mainPanel); add (goGame, BorderLayout.